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Changing Jobs For Mental Wellbeing

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While it would be great to land your dream job right out of school – the job that keeps you happy, inspired, and motivated until retirement – the odds are slim to none. Chances are,’ you’ll need to make several changes during your career to reach that’ dream job.’

This is precisely why so many people change jobs along the way. They are focused on their end goal; sometimes, reaching it can mean making a significant change. Let’s look at how changing jobs can help you succeed and achieve your career goals.

Successful People Often Change Jobs

What’s interesting to note is that some of the most successful people out there are the ones who aren’t afraid to change jobs. There’s even a term for them – “job hoppers” – as they tend to hop from one job to the next. While you may think this could reflect poorly on them, that’s not always true. It’s all about what position they are moving to.

When the job change involves a new role with more responsibility, different skills, and even a different industry, it builds their resume. It provides them with more experience, making them appealing to a larger cross-section of employers.

It used to be that a person was valued for sticking it out and staying with one company their entire career. This is no longer the case, so sticking it out and suffering through a job you don’t like or aren’t helping advance your career makes zero sense. In fact, it could actually reflect poorly on you since it can be read as a lack of motivation or drive to want more.

You see it time and time again in various industries. A person will start with one company only to find themselves six, seven, or even eight companies alone by the time they near retirement age. Take a look at Fahad Al-Rajaan, who has held several different positions in the investment and banking industry in the United States and sat on various boards. Each acted as a stepping stone and prepared him for the next move. This is very common among career-minded people.

How Often Should You Change Jobs?

As for the rules on how often you should change jobs, there is no set time, but experts tend to agree that a job change every few years is beneficial. By doing this, you’ll be able to expand your network. Further, there is a chance to make more money each time, you can add to your skillset every few years, and it helps to re-energize you.

Changing Jobs For Mental Health

Changing jobs can have a positive impact on mental well-being in several ways.

Relief from Stress and Burnout

If you’re experiencing chronic stress or burnout in your current job, changing to a new job can provide relief. It allows you to escape a toxic work environment, excessive workloads, or a role that doesn’t align with your skills and interests. By reducing stress levels, your mental well-being can improve significantly.

Increased Job Satisfaction

Finding a job that aligns with your passion, values, and strengths can enhance your overall job satisfaction. When you’re engaged and fulfilled in your career, it positively impacts your mental well-being. You may feel more motivated, energized, and happier daily.

New Challenges and Growth Opportunities

A new job often brings fresh challenges and opportunities for personal and professional growth. Learning new skills, taking on different responsibilities, and facing new experiences can boost self-confidence and self-esteem. This sense of growth and achievement contributes to improved mental well-being.

Improved Work-Life Balance

Specific jobs may demand excessive hours or have inflexible schedules, leading to an imbalance between work and personal life. By changing careers, you can seek positions that offer better work-life balance, allowing you more time for family, hobbies, relaxation, and self-care. A healthier balance promotes mental well-being by reducing overwhelming feelings and promoting self-care practices.

Enhanced Social Connections

Our mental well-being is greatly influenced by the people and atmosphere of our workplace. Switching jobs allows you to meet new people, build professional relationships, and expand your social network. Positive and supportive relationships at work can contribute to a sense of belonging and overall happiness.

Increased Autonomy and Control

Some jobs may lack autonomy, leaving employees feeling restricted or micromanaged. Switching jobs can help you secure a position offering greater autonomy and authority in your responsibilities. Having a sense of independence and making decisions that impact your job can lead to greater job satisfaction and improved mental well-being.

It’s important to note that changing jobs alone may not guarantee improved mental well-being. Assessing your circumstances, considering your long-term goals, and making an informed decision aligning with your overall well-being is crucial.

The Answer Could Be as Simple as Changing Jobs

If you feel like you aren’t reaching your career goals as quickly as you had hoped, a job change could be a smart move and positively impact your happiness.