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3 Reasons Houston Is A Great Place to Start a Business

Texas is the second largest state in the United States. Many people don’t realize this. They think it is the largest because when they look at a map, the only state that beats out Texas in size is Alaska, and it’s often shown in a little box next to Hawaii, and that box does a poor job at showing the viewer actual size because the boxes are scaled down in proportion.

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Texas is the second largest state in the United States. Many people don’t realize this. They think it is the largest because when they look at a map, the only state that beats out Texas in size is Alaska, and it’s often shown in a little box next to Hawaii, and that box does a poor job at showing the viewer actual size because the boxes are scaled down in proportion. So to a person who isn’t used to using keys to calculate the actual distance and size of a state, Texas comes across as the largest state on the map. It takes up a quarter of the southern end of the U.S. map, for crying out loud.

With this being said, Texas has a huge market for commerce. People love the state. It might be flat and expansive, but it’s filled with farmers in the rural parts and very smart businessmen in and around the cities. If you’re a business person who is looking to start a business in Texas, you’re probably wondering why it’s such a great idea and where you should locate. There are many cities to choose from, and just because you start in one place doesn’t mean you can’t branch out once the business becomes a bit more founded and successful.
For the time being, let’s say you’ve settled on the fact that you’re going to start a business in Texas.

Here are 3 reasons why Houston is a great place to begin:

The Suburbs Surrounding it Are Top of the Line

Suburb living is a very real thing. People tire of living in the big city and living right in the heart of the business districts can be expensive and unsafe. For this reason, people sprawl out to the suburbs. You should decide to build a business in Houston because towns like Katy, Texas are only a short distance away and provide you with the perks of living in near the city, without the high prices or the other worries that go along with living and doing business in the crowded city. You can even expand your business into the suburbs as you grow. The suburbs surrounding Houston are top of the line, so you’ll have a positive space to grow into as a business.

It’s Home to over 25 Fortune 500 Companies

If you want to be the best in business, or in anything in this life, you have to surround yourself with people that are going to help you get there. Houston is an economic metropolis and it creates more jobs than any other place in the country. Now that’s impressive. So when you start your business in Houston, you’ll be looking to create partnerships with other companies in the area. You’re going to be mingling with the best of the best and learning as you go from the creators of Fortune 500 companies. Houston is home to over 25 of them, so being there, you just might be number 26.

It’s Rich in Resources

Houston is known for having a booming oil and gas industry. If you’re not in that line of work, you would still benefit from being located in Houston because it’s also rich in other resources. Houston has one of the largest ports in terms of how much tonnage of goods is handled at international levels. That means that whatever you need as a business is coming right to your city’s dock, which means that doing business is going to be much cheaper for you because you don’t have to figure out how to move cargo across landmass.