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7 Essential Tips to Protect Your Business Against Hackers

Hackers can cause serious issues for a workplace and the issues they present are more dangerous than ever before. So, how do you ensure your business has it right when it comes to protecting itself from the wrongs that hackers do – we take a closer look.

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Hackers can cause serious issues for a workplace and the issues they present are more dangerous than ever before. So, how do you ensure your business has it right when it comes to protecting itself from the wrongs that hackers do – we take a closer look.

Be Aware

Know what the current hacking threats are in today’s society. If you know what could happen, then you might be able to keep your website from invasion. There are sites online that will help you stay informed; The Hacker News is one such site. Take what you learn and then use that information to be extra careful going forward.

Make Access Control Strong

If a hacker is able to gain access to your website’s admin level, they will have a lot of information at their fingertips. Make sure that user names and passwords are set up so that they are strong and cannot be infiltrated. Also, your database prefix should be set automatically to “wp6.” Make it different so that someone will have a hard time figuring it out. If a user incorrectly attempts to get access to the site a certain number of times in a certain period of time, lock them out. Finally, do not give login information over email in case a hacker is able to get into the user’s email account. Setting up a workspace professionally can have notable benefits in this regard.

Keep Things Current

Software companies lose money when they provide updates. Therefore, when they do release an update, it is because it provides valuable information. Many people still do not install these updates right away, however. Sometimes the update is related to a security issue, which means that not installing the update leaves you vulnerable. Hackers have the ability to search many websites in a short period of time, trying to find a way to get into them. Also, hackers talk. If one finds his way in, others will, too.

Install Apps for Security

While WAF is better, there are security applications available that can make a difference. There are some that do not cost any money and others that you need to pay a fee for. You can even get plugins at no cost that will make the identity of your CMS invisible, like the one Acunetix WP Security has released. This tool helps you avoid hackers that go through the Internet, searching for certain WordPress sites that they can get into.

Make Admin Pages Invisible

Search engines should not be able to index your admin pages. Therefore, the robots_txt file will make it less likely that search engines will put them up. When they are indexed, they are easier to locate. If you want to do this for your site, check out this guide from

Keep File Uploads to a Minimum

File uploads are a problem. Even if the system really looks through them, there can still be a bug that gives a hacker an “in” to your site. In order to avoid this, do not allow direct access to uploaded files. Instead, put them somewhere other than the root directory. Utilize a script to get to them when you need to. Your web host can assist you with this process.

Back Up Often

Sometimes, you can do everything right and still have a problem. Do your best to back up your work as often as possible. Back up in many different places as well. You don’t want to lose something that you worked hard on.