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6 Essentials Needed to Convert Your Website Traffic

Getting visitors to your website is only half the battle. Once visitors have arrived on your page, they need to stick around long enough to convert. The longer they stay, the more likely they are to purchase your product or contact your company. So how can you convert online traffic? Here are a few tips.

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Getting visitors to your website is only half the battle. Once visitors have arrived on your page, they need to stick around long enough to convert. The longer they stay, the more likely they are to purchase your product or contact your company. So how can you convert online traffic? Here are a few tips.

Video Content

It is estimated that by 2017, video will account for 69% of online consumer traffic. Online videos give consumers content quickly and easily, satisfying their desire for information in an entertaining way.

One online video marketing term is “viral.” Companies have seen this as a successful way to market their brand. Having a video “go viral” means that it becomes popular very fast, and infiltrates social media and the internet. These videos are often engaging, and encourage viewers to share the video with others. These leads to more consumers being informed of your product- increasing traffic to your website and as a result, even more conversions.

Intuitive Navigation

When visitors come to your website, they will immediately be looking around for places to go. They will look for information about your company, they will look for the products you offer and they will look for ways to contact you. Do your visitors a favor and make the website easy to navigate. One of the most effective ways to achieve these outcomes is by making sure your website has an intuitive navigation.

This can be positioned in several different places, such as across the top of your website or along the side. A well-designed navigation bar takes into consideration what the users are looking for, in what hierarchy and how they’re likely to look for it. Make sure to keep the links well organized and easy to read. Finally make sure vital information about your business, like contact details are easy to find and not hidden on a page somewhere in the depths of your website.

A Well-Designed Blog

If you think a blog is optional, then think again. Blogs are absolutely necessary for converting traffic and building long lasting relationships with customers. A blog is also important because having a content marketing plan a great advantage for helping your SEO. A well-designed blog makes information easy to find, and invites readers to engage more. Firstly, if you’re going to include a blog on your website- make sure text is readable on computers and mobile devices. Also, it’s important to post often so that you keep your readers engaged and informed about your business.

Social Media Integration

Adding social media capabilities enhances nearly every website. There are two primary ways to do this. You can embed widgets that allow users to share information from your website onto their own social media platforms. You can also create accounts on a variety of social media platforms to keep followers informed through your own updates. By focusing your efforts on social media, you’ll be able to keep your audience updated about your business, but also demonstrate your business’ personality by engaging on a more personal level. Once there is an element of familiarity and trust, people will be more likely to purchase from your business.


These days, it is vital to have customer testimonials on your website and social media channels. To do this, ask satisfied customers if you can feature their testimonials on your website. Another option is to showcase positive feedback sourced from other customers on social media, such as on Facebook or Twitter. If you want something even more powerful, consider posting a customer testimonial video and featuring this on your homepage or a relevant landing page.

Enticing Call to Actions

When talking directly to your customers, whether it is through an email or a Facebook post, always use a prominent call to action. This type of marketing tactic gives customers an option to act. When you contact the customer, what do you want them to do? Use action based, non-aggressive language to persuade or incentivize the customer to act on what you want them to do. It is important to demonstrate what is in it for the user; the phrase used in your CTA should ‘explain the benefits of performing an action’ such as ‘Subscribe to our newsletter and get a free e-book’.

Give your customers what they are looking for by showing them who you are, how to reach you, and proof your product is valuable through real customer testimonials. Engage them through a blog that shares insider info on your products, services and industry. Lastly, guide visitors toward the next steps through call to action statements. By having these key features on your website, you’ll be able to keep your hard earned traffic on your site for longer and convert them into a customer.

For more information about how to create a website that successfully converts, read the ’11 essentials of a successful website’.