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Interviews with Australia-based leaders of NZ firms

New Zealand companies can do well here in Australia in combination with the right locals. A meeting of minds, if you will. The Aussie ruthlessness matched with the Kiwi perseverance. With that professional cooperation in mind, last month I interviewed eleven Australian and Australia-based CEOs of New Zealand companies and asked them what it was like to work for Kiwi brands over here.

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New Zealand companies can do well here in Australia in combination with the right locals. A meeting of minds, if you will. The Aussie ruthlessness matched with the Kiwi perseverance.

With that professional cooperation in mind, last month I interviewed eleven Australian and Australia-based CEOs of New Zealand companies and asked them what it was like to work for Kiwi brands over here. I wanted to know if there was a magic formula to building a great Kiwi brand in Australia.

What came out clearly from those interviews, and from previous conversations I’ve had on the topic, is that New Zealand businesses thrive in Australia with great locals on board. Even more so when the cords are not cut – but handed over.

From manufacturing to retail, technology to professional services, the companies that saw the best Australian growth, were those that entrusted their New Zealand brand to an Australian of equal standing.

Once you reach a certain Australian size – around the $10m revenue mark – hire the best local leaders and let them work their magic.

The interviews are available for you to read in a new white paper.

Interviews with:

  • Michael Morgan – Intergen
  • Warrick Batt – Autex
  • Doug Sadler – ecostore
  • Sean Horgan – West Coast Energy
  • Steven Cronshaw – Sentient PPM
  • Brent Lawson – Delica
  • Doug Gibson – Certus
  • Paul Bayly – Cranleigh Merchant Bankers
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