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How to Write a Resume With No Work Experience

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You have just 60 seconds to impress a recruiter with your resume before they move on to another candidate.

This means your resume has to be nearly flawless to pass the scrutiny of the 60-second test. Knowing this, many people without work experience may feel it’s impossible to compete with a candidate who has relevant work experience. But if you’ve applied for the role, then you know you’ve got what it takes to do it, right? Yes, and fortunately, you can use a few tips and tricks to write an impressive resume, even if you are just starting out, have taken a career break or want to land the perfect job.

First, the good news is recruiters are robots, and they don’t all review resumes in the same fashion. The business hiring and their role determine the parameters for selecting a shortlist of applicants, and seldom are two job opportunities with different organizations precisely the same. Therefore relax, and avoid assuming you don’t stand a chance without work experience.

So if you are wondering what the best way to create a resume with no work experience is, this short and simple guide is for you.

Add Any Relevant Experience

The resumes that stand out are the ones that are tailored to the job you are applying for. Even without any work experience, you likely have some other life experience that is relevant to the position. Add your experience from volunteering, internships, and extracurricular activities to show your qualifications.

Focus on Your Strengths

Writing a resume with no experience can be challenging, which is why you should focus on your strengths. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have, highlight everything that makes you the best candidate for the job. Mention your achievements, describe your skills, and don’t hesitate to highlight your abilities.

Showcase Your Education

A great tip for how to make a resume with no job experience is to add your education. One thing all recruiters are looking for is a candidate who can commit to the position long-term. Your education shows your willingness to learn and your ability to commit to a long-term goal.

Use Relevant Keywords

When you are writing a resume, always use relevant keywords that are tailored to the description.

When you submit a resume, it is first scanned by a program and then sent to a recruiter, depending on certain keywords. Because of this process, 75% of resumes don’t make it past that initial scan. Give yourself the best chance by adding relevant keywords to your resume.

Use an Appropriate Template

There are a variety of resume templates you can use that have all kinds of formatting and layouts. Some of these are ideal for a candidate with no experience. Google “resume templates” and choose one that will highlight all you have to offer, which will lessen the burden of not having experience.

You Can Write an Effective Resume With No Work Experience

Writing a resume with no work experience takes creativity, but it can be done.

Think of any relevant experience you might have, such as volunteering, and add it to your resume. Focus on your strengths and showcase your education to prove you are qualified for the job. Keep your resume short, add relevant keywords, attach a cover letter, and use a template designed for entry-level people.

Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to interviewing in no time. This bring us to the next tip, watch videos on interview techniques there is a lot of advice on preparing for interviews. Now you know you’re going to get the opportunity to present yourself in person or via video chat it’s time to make sure you wow them.

Remember, first impressions count!

Don’t forget to browse our site for more tips on starting your career.