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Why You Can Use DIY Website Builders For Your Next Website

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Technology drives all industries and how much of it your business uses is up to you. Your company could be an early adopter in the tech adoption curve and already have the latest apps on board, or your tech investment might be a lot more modest with the spend mostly dedicated to a website presence.

Let’s face it, technology has up to recently required deep pockets. Websites can cost tens of thousands of dollars, and not every business has the budget to invest in the Ben Hur of sites that require ongoing customization and the services of a professional web development team continuously.

So this is where the option of DIY website builders is filling a gap in demand with business owners keen to keep costs down but still ensure their website is secure and customers are happy with what they’re getting when they are on the site.

So putting the website design aside, what’s fundamental for all websites is security and privacy.


No matter how big or small a business is, in today’s climate, every website is a potential target for hackers and cyber-crime. It’s a grim reality, too that it’s not only small sites that are targeted, so it’s best to go in with eyes wide open and take the proper precautionary steps to secure and keep safe your site and any customer data captured.

Professional web developers and DIY website builders take security seriously; otherwise, they will go out of business!

Take the popular website builder Wix as a great example. It is often referred to as one of the most secure website builder options out there, according to the Top10 article.

Security features include a free dedicated SSL certificate that means your site will be turned into an HTTPS site, so all data sent or received is encrypted. Of course, Wix isn’t the only one offering a safe and secure process; there is also and GoDaddy, to name a couple, both of which are also extremely popular.

Virus Protection, Backups, Privacy, Updates

Computer and online viruses can cause untold damage to your site. Many of the top DIY website builders feature firewall protection against such things as malware, plus back-up your website data on a set schedule.

Remember, you aren’t just keeping your own data protected; it is about maintaining the data of all your visitors and customers protected too.

The last thing you want is to have your company on the news as the next victim of cyber hackers, with all of your customers’ information stolen. Once that happens, it’s tough to come back and convince customers that they can safely visit your site and trust their information will be safe. This is even more important when you have an e-commerce platform where visitors are entering their financial information.

Plus use privacy statements on how your website captures, stores and accesses customer data and a plugin to manage compliance with privacy like GDPR.

Depending on the website builder, CMS, Apps, and Plugins can be easy to keep up to date. The updates include fix packs to code and improved features, so keeping this maintenance straightforward is ideal for beginners or non-techies.

There was a time when non-techies had to use web developers. However, most websites are now reusable templates and opensource CMS systems so costs can be minimized with a DIY web builder option.

Live Chat Technical Support

With DIY website builders, many providers feature 24/7 live chat technical support. What this does is give you peace of mind that should anything go wrong while building or maintaining your site, now or in the future, you know you get help.

Remember security and privacy are top of mind for website users, and they want to know your site is accessible any hour of the day. Having a site offline for even an hour can damage your reputation so imagine what could happen if it is down for days even weeks more, your customers may never come back.