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Why Your Business Needs to Migrate to the Cloud

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Business and The Cloud

If you haven’t migrated your business processes and data to the cloud, now is the time. Whether you run a small business or an enterprise, there’s no denying that cloud-based applications are the modern trend. There are many benefits of cloud computing for small businesses.

By 2021, 83% of the workload will be stored on the cloud, and businesses will not use one cloud.

The average number of clouds used is five, demonstrating these applications’ versatility and how companies leverage them. Your business needs to migrate to the cloud if you aren’t convinced.

Streamline Software Development

Developing software in the cloud offers a myriad of game-changing benefits. In the cloud environment, developers can access unlimited resources and properly leverage any cloud DevOps solution. By enforcing DevOps in your organization, you can combine development and operations teams to offer continuous integration / continuous delivery. This practice has gained plenty of traction over the past few years.

Automation is vital when it comes to delivering solid code with minimal effort. Cloud computing makes it easy to test software automatically, maintain data integrity throughout the production and staging process, and improve time to market.

There is a far less great chance that bugs will slip through the cracks as you release new features and iterations. As such, you can satisfy stakeholders and end-users with a quality product.

Furthermore, chances are if you’re producing software, you’ll need cloud-based DevOps tools to succeed in the future; already, 48% of software-based businesses use Kubernetes, an open-source container system for application deployment.

Stronger Collaboration

With cloud technology, your team can communicate much more conveniently and robustly. For example, use a cloud application like Slack. Your organization can communicate, share, and update from anywhere, anytime.

Instant access to files, version controls, and storage helps manage documents and improve workflows. This advanced level of record-keeping will also help create accountability and establish transparency.

Better Scalability

One of the biggest challenges that businesses face when transitioning to the cloud is making that migration. Upper-level IT professionals have decades of hardware experience and may not be as familiar with virtualization technologies. However, although this initial onboarding stage is worth the hurdle, cloud technology paves the way for better scalability. For starters, native cloud applications are becoming more common, eliminating some prominent pain points.

With traditional servers, storing and protecting data requires extensive management, resources, and money. Because of this, exploring growth opportunities becomes significantly more difficult, costly, and time-consuming.

You can compare old-school data management to carrying a backpack with a light load. As the business grows, bricks are added to that backpack, resulting in a slow progression towards your next destination.

With the cloud, the load’s weight doesn’t change, regardless of the number of bricks put into it. You’re free to scale up or down as your business needs demand. This high level of flexibility is ideal for all companies; with a scalable architecture, you can handle heavy workloads and traffic bursts.

Save Money

Businesses can save significantly more money by transitioning to the cloud.

A study from Rackspace found that 88% of the 1,300 companies surveyed saved money with cloud computing. As previously mentioned, you only pay for the resources you need because cloud services are scalable. Furthermore, there’s a significant reduction in hardware costs.

The vendor manages all hardware needs, eliminating on-site maintenance and energy costs associated with necessary hardware.

Better Productivity

According to Gallup, productivity loss costs companies an estimated $550 billion annually.

Cloud computing can quickly increase workplace productivity.

Deploying cloud software is much faster than conventional installation methods, which could take months with more significant projects. With cloud software, the same deployment could happen within hours, increasing efficiency and allowing staff to scale quicker and focus on the business’s core areas without compromising time.

Regarding productivity, access to data from anywhere is a big win for businesses, especially those with remote workers or whose positions involve business travel.