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Prevent a Wrongful Death Lawsuit against Your Business

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Did you know up to 3 million workers are injured in the workplace every year?

For employers, this means the chances of being involved in an accident are high. And, depending on the person and the country, a lawsuit might be likely to follow. Some people, such as Dave George, can’t blame their company for an accident, whereas others are happy to hire an attorney.

Businesses can’t take the risk because the consequences are potentially dire. So, trying to prevent workplace injuries in the first place is the best option. Let’s take a look at how employers can reduce their liability as even the slightest whiff of neglect is problematic.

Understand The Law

Because the laws are complicated, it’s tempting to focus on the “important” stuff and forget the rest. But, the little things can dictate whether you are liable or not.

Knowing that a file falling from an elevated platform will change how you store things in the office. Okay, it might not contribute to a wrongful death claim suit yet the info should create an atmosphere of health and safety.

Also, there is the fact that employers don’t have to participate in some cases. Some exemptions to the OSHA plans exist, and they include miners and the self-employed.

Do It At Work

There is a difference between understanding the laws and implementing them in the workplace. The next step, then, is to take the rules and incorporate them as best as possible.

Make sure there are no loose wires on show, put the hazard signage up, and provide the proper equipment.

Another wise move is to ask the entire staff to do their bit. Getting them to look out for hazards and report back on them is by no means a sign of the hierarchy shirking its health and safety responsibilities. Whichever route you decide to take, don’t take shortcuts as they result in accidents.

Put Backups In Place

Not everything in the office is slight and dainty. Some things will do a lot of damage if they aren’t regulated properly. Is there any heavy machinery in your workplace? Maybe there aren’t, but if there are, then there must be contingency plans in place.

Typically, machines are powered by software programs these days, so a human operator is an excellent backup. Let them watch out for any failures and jump in when they spot an issue. Worker training courses are essential though so they know what to watch out for.

Zero Tolerance On Substances

Most people won’t drink or take drugs before they go to work. Even the night before, they’ll go easy so they can perform in the office in the morning. However, evenings and nights out get out of control sometimes and employees do drink to excess.

As the employer, you can’t allow any flexibility towards substances as the buck stops at your door. Any time you smell alcohol or hear rumors, it’s your duty to get to the bottom of the situation. Testing is another option depending on the severity.