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Web Wonders – 5 Secrets to Building the Perfect Website

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The goal of every business these days is obtaining a top spot in internet search results. If your website pages aren’t ranking high enough on search engine results pages (SERP), it’s likely that your site could use some work. Ideally, your website should be engaging, easy to use and load well on all devices. It needs to be one that your customers want to visit again and again, and they should want to share it with others. If this sounds like a lot of work, it is. Website design and management is an ongoing process, but with these five secrets to building the perfect

1. Let the Professionals Do It

The Internet is full of sites that allow anyone to create a website with little to no experience. While this is fine for some, the best way to have a great website is to hire a web design company that knows what they’re doing. Professionals of this type will design your site and implement search engine optimization (SEO) strategies, so it ranks as high as possible to get you visible on the web.

2. Make it User-Friendly

When someone visits your website, they should be able to find what they’re looking for quickly, and if they buy something, the process should be fast and seamless. If visitors have to work to get what they need, they will move on to your competitor. The following features are all things that will make your website very user-friendly for all.

  • Intuitive navigation structure
  • A breadcrumb trail structure
  • Accurate product descriptions
  • Easy searches
  • Customized recommendations
  • Fast response time
  • Testimonials

3. Make it Fast

The speed at which your website loads has become one of the more important factors that search engines look at when ranking websites to display in online searches. They do this because they know that consumers prefer to use sites that are fast and easy to use. It stands to reason, then, that making sure your website is fast and efficient is not only great for your visitors and customers, it will also help get it ranking prominently. Ensuring that images are optimized, browser caching is properly enabled, the back-end code is minified, and a whole range of other technical items is critical to getting your site running like a well-oiled machine.

4. Keep Content Management in Mind

Everyone who’s anyone on the Internet knows that to rank well in SERPs; a website must contain valuable, entertaining content. It’s not enough just to have a site full of products for sale. These days, your website must also have blog posts and articles that help a reader in some way by offering advice, instruction, recommendations, entertainment, etc. Google, the king of search engines, makes it crystal clear what they expect when it comes to content management.

5. Make Your Website Mobile-Friendly

It’s a fact that the majority of users access websites more often on their smartphones and tablets than on their computers. This means that your site must load and display smoothly and attractively no matter what device your visitors are using. In fact, Google has made it clear that they will bias against websites that are not mobile-friendly.

Having a great website is important to the success of any business. Building one takes time and expertise to get it right. If you follow these five secrets to building the perfect website, you will be well on your way to Internet success.

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