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Why building custom web application is an essential business move

Internet and cloud computing are two revolutionary ideas and together they have changed the ways business were conducted in the past. Emergence of ecommerce has completely transformed customer behavior thus forcing businesses to reevaluate their approach towards customer management.

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Internet and cloud computing are two revolutionary ideas and together they have changed the ways business were conducted in the past. Emergence of ecommerce has completely transformed customer behavior thus forcing businesses to reevaluate their approach towards customer management. This has necessitated developing custom web applications to enhance user experience and improve sales.

What is web application?

Over the last few decades internet has evolved to become the primary channel for users to explore and amass information. It has graduated as an inexpensive channel of communication and exchange of information that have allowed business to have better insight about its clients. Internet has forced firms to devise newer ways to promote sales, engage customers and gather customer feedback.

By definition a web application is a programmable environment that can be subjected to extensive customization and made available to users through internet. These are integral parts of modern dynamic web designing and popular due to the ubiquitous nature of web browsers. Web applications can be upgrade and customize without evoking the need of installing software to thousands of potential user’s computers. The popularity of web application is due to its simplicity and convenience in use. All these and more have made web application development a rapidly expanding market.

The three tiers of web application lifecycle

The web application development process involves three layers namely User Services, Business Services and Data Services.

The user service tier builds the user interface through which the user interacts with the application. The second or business service layer captures business logic and involves usage of scripting language to incorporate complex business process. The third layer involves designing datacenter that will allow the developer to store, insert, modify and retrieve data in an organized manner.

Why it is essential for business

Businesses have found it convenient to develop custom web applications to resolve their enterprise software requirements. It helps them in enhancing customer experience and at the same time improves sales and marketing. The benefits of investing in custom web applications are listed below:

Enhance productivity: Custom web application offers better control over data and its processing. It devises effective, cheaper and faster ways to capture, consolidate and distribute information. Improves productivity by automating and streamlining business process.

Better Access: The web applications are available on web browsers and therefore can be accessed from anywhere and on any internet enabled device thus promise better accessibility and portability. And, since web application doesn’t require installation of software at client’s end its more cost effective for thin users.

Improved data security: Data can be shared in encrypted format which makes web applications more secure than other apps. Web application requires users to login to their accounts in order to access it. Third party auditing ensures that your data is protected against malicious attacks.

Collaborative data sharing: Web application offers a platform to business to share and integrate data from its different units. Usage of web application ensures uniformity in data sharing and update.

Cost advantages:
Web application involves zero installation cost. Takes less time in implementation. And, available for use in no time. The out-of-the-box solutions make web apps ideal for firms with limited IT resource and budget. Expenses can further be minimized by organizing online training for users.

Compatibility: Since web applications are available over web browsers these are independent of operating system of the computer. It is easier for website development services to develop an application that is compatible with different web browsers than ensuring compatibility on different OSs. As a result, web applications are available at more affordable rates.