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Why a Good Business Needs a Business Coach

You are certain that you want to start your own business.. That’s awesome news – particularly in a country like ours that offers so much for the entrepreneur – it’s the ideal way to work!

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changing accountants

You are certain that you want to start your own business.. That’s awesome news – particularly in a country like ours that offers so much for the entrepreneur – it’s the ideal way to work!

However, before you start, you will need to ask yourself if you have what it takes to carry this off. Are you brimming with self-confidence? Are you ambitious, self-reliant and capable of inspiring yourself – day in, day out? Are you a disciplined individual who is creative and flexible and also able to persevere – even when the going gets tough?

These are traits you’ll require to be successful in your business.

Find yourself a reputable business advisory services firm that will help you launch your new business venture off the ground. You need to be able to navigate your way through the infant stages of your new entrepreneurial spirit and business venture and be prepared to make informed decisions to get your business up and running.

Statistics show that a staggering 50% of new businesses will fail within their first year and that 95% will fail within 5 years – and that 75% of those businesses will fail due to predictable factors. Factors like poor managerial skills because the new entrepreneur hasn’t been exposed to best practices; or weak financial disciplines. Many are predictable factors that can be addressed and the basic foundations can be laid out prior to you launching your new venture. A competent business advisory services firm can detect these pitfalls before they turn out to be a real concern within your business.

Don’t think that you have to do this alone. Or are the only one exposed to these factors. Don’t feel that it won’t be your business just because you’ve sought someone else’s guidance. Turning to a business advisory services firm is the right thing to do – simply since they can recommend appropriate courses of action to you instead of leaving you to face costly trial and error. And don’t leave it until it’s too late. Appoint a business advisory services firm before troubles begin to surface in your business.

As your business develops, your requirements will often vary and a good business advisory services firm will help you to make any necessary adjustments. You want to nurture a flourishing business that you will be proud of – and one that will develop from strength to strength.

My name is Mark Gwilliam and I have been helping businesses for over 28 years. I understand that when you first start out in business you may lack the skills, knowledge and time. I have spent many years refining and testing business processes… so you don’t have to struggle…you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. My eBook “7 common reasons why businesses fail…and what you can do to avoid it happening to you” highlights these experiences. You are welcome to a free copy by emailing me.