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Business Boost from Fiona Hewitt

In these challenging times, new ways of thinking and action are required to keep a business performing strongly.

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In these challenging times, new ways of thinking and action are required to keep a business performing strongly. For those approaching their business with a “bunker down until the storm finishes” approach will no question find this competitive landscape tough. Business owners who are continuing to strongly market themselves, their business or message will in the long run receive dividends from their investment.

Here are five things to consider this month – to give your business a boost.

  1. Look at your business relationships. Is there the opportunity with your contacts to offer a compelling combined service to the market, and provide you with new revenues, customer or potential services.
  2. Offer something free to your clients, which is of value. Who knows where that service, support, or assistance will take you or your business.
  3. If you haven’t already – use social media tools, to generate more discussion, or awareness on who you are and the service and value you offer. And don’t forget – this doesn’t cost anything.
  4. Take on a short term project, contract or client that you wouldn’t normally accept. This can strengthen your skill set, earn you additional revenue and create new networks or relationship contacts for you.
  5. Get noticed, do something crazy (in context!) get people talking, stand out, and get publicity. Sometimes it is these things that will set you apart from your competitors.

Be creative with you, your brand and your business doesn’t necessarily mean spending large amounts of money but it does involve fresh thinking and action.