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Why Property for Investment?

Everyone is aware of what has gone in recent years with the financial markets – seeing investments make little or no return so finding the right area to invest your money in is important and can be difficult. But through all the volatility there are some areas for investment that still are viable. Property Investment is one area and is so attractive because it is tangible and directly under your control.

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augmented reality

Everyone is aware of what has gone in recent years with the financial markets – seeing investments make little or no return so finding the right area to invest your money in is important and can be difficult.

But through all the volatility there are some areas for investment that still are viable. Property Investment is one area and is so attractive because it is tangible and directly under your control.

Benefits of Property Investment

  • Property is a Passive income – once you have the property, it quickly works for you either through rental or resale.
    The ability to become rich over a long period of time – Property is said to double in value every 10 years – in Auckland property doubles in less time – around seven years.
  • Numerous strategies – there are many options and ways you can structure your property investment business and its components: For example, purchase and trade; purchase and renovate; purchase; build and sell; land banking; sub-divisions
  • Favourable tax laws – with the right advice and support you can set your property investment business up so you maximize the benefits to you but meet your obligations with fairness.
  • Control of your wealth – you are in control of how much you invest and borrow.

Property is one of the various options open to individuals on the threshold of making investments. It is conceptually easy to understand what property is and how you can make money from investing in property. How much risk you take is a personal choice and your personality may play a role since it reflects their risk taking abilities. Property is considered to be “safe” and many people invest in at least one property in their lifetime.

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