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So is your job worth it when it really comes down to it? Lindsey Redding’s essay

What do I think? I think you are all f*****g mad. So disengaged from reality it’s not even funny. It’s a f*****g TV commercial. Nobody gives a shit.

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Some people work themselves into the ground trying to climb the corporate ladder.

But for what?

A better house that also comes with a bigger mortgage?

Yearly school fees that could pay for a medium size car only to have your kids drop out and end up drug addicts.

Work hours that wipe out your weekends and time with family?

Having your arse kissed while you are still kissing someone else’s higher up the food chain.

And when you’re lying on your death-bed will you be thinking how fortunate you were to have a great job?

Or maybe you will think what a waste of a life?

Deep thoughts I know but I am inspired by this essay I have just read by Lindsey Redding who has just died from cancer and realized that the whole corporate environment is a complete waste of time.

Here is a little extract from his essay…

“It turns out I didn’t actually like my old life nearly as much as I thought I did,”

“I know this now because I occasionally catch up with my old colleagues and workmates. They fall over each other to enthusiastically show me the latest project they are working on. Ask my opinion. Proudly show off their technical prowess (which is not inconsiderable).

“I find myself glazing over but politely listen as they brag about who’s had the least sleep and the most takeaway food. ‘I haven’t seen my wife since January’; ‘I can’t feel my legs any more and I think I have scurvy but another three weeks and it will be done’ …

What do you think’?”

“What do I think? I think you are all f*****g mad. So disengaged from reality it’s not even funny. It’s a f*****g TV commercial. Nobody gives a shit.”

It took me years to work out what a load of bullocks corporate life is – office politics, working with people you dislike, laughing at your bosses jokes when you think he is a total muppet.

So now I work for myself – of course it has its own stresses but hell and least I am not working for muppets anymore and decide when I will work and for how long.

I recommend you read Lindsey Redding’s essay here.

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