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Real-world proof that adding people to Facebook groups is dumb

To this day I have no idea why Facebook implemented a feature that allows people to add you to Facebook groups without your permission. Its dumb and allows spammy internet marketers to add you at will.

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I was added to a Facebook group last night among 800+ others who were equally upset.

The group was created by a person who appears to have attended one of those spammy internet marketers events where they con you into believing you can make your riches on the internet selling crappie products or affiliate marketing. All you need to do is pay them a few thousand dollars and they will give you the “secret”. I have written extensively about my distaste for internet marketers but this post is not another rant about pond-scum.

To this day I have no idea why Facebook implemented a feature that allows people to add you to Facebook groups without your permission. Its dumb and allows spammy internet marketers to add you at will.

Its also incredibly dangerous for a business to do this as the damage to your brand will be impressive.

It takes a certain type of person to think its okay to add people to a group selling stuff without an invite so I hope you are not one of them – if you are then you might end up here.