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8 Proven Tips To Succeed With Your eCommerce Mobile App

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mobile App design

You’re facing tough competition if you are trying to build an eCommerce app in Android or iOS. There are 12-24 million eCommerce stores out there, and many of them already have or will launch a mobile app soon. E-commerce isn’t just the domain of big players, either.

Online sales increased by 56.3% due to the pandemic, and Amazon was the one retailer that brought the average down: they only managed to grow their revenues by 41.4%. That means that mobile eCommerce apps are anyone’s game these days.

If you want a slice of this highly lucrative industry, you need to know how to build an eCommerce mobile app that will stand out from the crowd.

Steps For Success

What are the steps to success when building an eCommerce app in Android or iOS?

Building an eCommerce app is easy – making one is easy to use, and being famous is not. Nearly 80% of mobile apps are deleted after their first use. Here’s what you should do if you want your app to take off.

1. Focus on the UI if you want to keep your customers happy

Nothing will sink an app faster than a poor user experience. If users can’t find what they want within a few seconds, they’ll click away from your competitor. When you build an eCommerce Android app, you must ensure the navigation is easy and intuitive.

The look and feel should build trust in your brand and products. Ensure they can quickly find every button, menu, or product and organize categories logically. Keeping the interface clean and uncluttered is a good idea to invite exploration.

2. Keep your menus short and effective

Another UI best practice is to create menus that are easy to read on every device. Unlike a website, your screen space is minimal, and scrolling can be problematic. You’ll need to ensure the menu is short and optimized for mobile users.

Name menu items with single words (e.g., Shirts, Sunglasses, Shoes) instead of lengthy phrases. The menu shouldn’t obscure essential features like the search bar.

3. Make logging in and signing up easy

When building e-commerce applications, you always want to remember the endgame. For eCommerce, this means getting customers to provide you with their information for marketing purposes and, of course, checking out. Keep sign-up forms short and sweet.

Stick to the most important details – names, email, numbers, and a security question. If you want to, you can add social media or Google logins to make things as easy as possible.

4. Make your cart stand out

When you make an eCommerce app, you are trying to make sales, keeping your cart in a prominent spot. The cart should always function well and bounce back from the product page and cart to add more items before checking out quickly.

5. Keep the App light and fast

Users don’t want to experience lags or delays in loading. Ensure that all images are auto-optimized for mobile web use and reduce the loading times as much as possible. If users bounce between pages, the load time shouldn’t be longer than 4-5 seconds at best.

6. Wish lists

Remember the Favorite or Wish List feature when you make an eCommerce application. It can help customers return and complete a sale when they are ready, and you can use the information for remarketing and gathering customer insights.

40% of shoppers state that their shopping experience would be better if there was a wish list feature on their eCommerce store – you can’t afford to ignore their feedback.

7. Auto recommendation

You can use product tags and machine learning to make knowledgeable user recommendations. Still, even a rudimentary analytics feature can help you recommend and upsell products to individual users. This technology will also help you understand your users and how they behave online, used in your marketing campaigns. For example, Netflix and Spotify use machine learning to study your preferences and tag show and songs accordingly to make tailored recommendations.

8. Use modern functions

Technology is changing all the time. You can incorporate technology like AR or VR in your eCommerce shop, use AI to gather new insights about your users, and even include user-generated video reviews on your site.

If you want to build an eCommerce app in Android or iOS in 2022, you must develop an app that meets modern customers’ ever-changing demands and requirements.

Hiring a fantastic, forward-thinking team of app developers will open up a world of possibilities for your store.