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Why Email Marketing Works For Business Today

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Email marketing is the workhorse of online marketing strategies. You can create an email message and deliver it to your email list, which may have thousands of subscribers. Unless the subscriber removes the message from their inbox – it remains a constant reminder that action is required. When an email marketing message is delivered, the initial 24 hours get 80% or more views and clicks, and from thereon, the long tail of marketing occurs for days and sometimes weeks later.

Digital marketing has morphed into many strategies on different types of sites. We have social media platforms and blogs, plus there is PPC advertising. Traditional marketing is still relevant however digital marketing gets the most investment. Why well, it wins in immediacy, interaction, conversion, and measurement.

Email also the preferred channel used by other digital marketing channels to reach out and pull visitors online. For example, the social media giants like Facebook and LinkedIn deliver bulk daily emails to their members to pull them to their sites. Once online ideally the user will engage with their revenue-generating SMM either as a client purchasing ads or as a visitor clicking on ads.

Email marketing is available to all and sundry, and it’s been around for a long time, so it’s left vulnerable to spamming, phishing, and other criminal activity.

Email recipients find it hard to recognize a real from a fake email, and many users have been parted from their money just for clicking on malicious malware links. The good news is that this activity’s prevalence has heightened awareness and the availability of free antivirus software for devices and software like email apps.

Plus, also coming to the party to make email safe is Governments. Most countries have stepped up with anti Spam legislation like the CAN-SPAM Act.

Email Service Providers

ESPs (email service providers) have also stepped in with secure bulk email delivery software that improves delivery success. Businesses now have email filters on their servers to prevent spam to their workers, so the email delivery component of email marketing is naturally critical. Your company has spent time creating the perfect EDM (email marketing message) to fail on delivery, i.e., not get past the spam filters.

All email headers contain sender information, and business spam filters are triggered if it’s not valid. ESPs also manage email bounces, unsubscribe as well as subscribe requests.

Advanced Personalization

There are also features like advanced personalization for the ESP user, which is a big step up from just adding the recipient’s name on the email message.

You can professionally create your email message, and use advanced personalization, i.e., use the recipient’s data to set the criteria for email delivery. Hence, only the recipients that match the requirements get the email. A basic example is your recipients have provided their city. You can set the criteria to send an email to recipients in a town like New York on delivery.

There are many uses for email marketing to communicate and manage the customer journey, including follow-up emails. Autoresponders are perfect for driving conversion and measurement.

Why use email marketing?

Email delivery

Social media marketing should be more effective if you look at the number of users; however, according to surveys, email accounts will reach 4.9 billion, so email is almost three times more popular than Facebook and Twitter.

Email validation services have improved delivery rates, with emails achieving 90%, whereas Facebook will let only 2% of your page followers view your ad or post.

Cost and ROI

Email marketing has a broad reach, and its cost per email is low compared to other digital marketing strategies like PPC and SMM. Email also delivers on ROI with the right content.

Content should be engaging. Share tips and knowledge and calls to action (hyperlinks) to continue reading or learning about a product on your website.

Driving conversion

There are so many ways to improve the rate of conversion from emails. Use the measurement of earlier email campaigns to create and deliver targeted content based on recipient personalized data, i.e. wants and likes.

Opt-in functionality for self-subscribing and unsubscribing from emails improves conversion. With the opt-in, seek to get more data from your recipients, including their interest in your email content. Get permission to send promotional emails and follow up with a simple survey to ensure that customers are happy.

Email marketing transparency is that, if it’s not targeted to your recipients, they will let you their disinterest by eventually unsubscribing from your email list. Therefore make every email campaign count and reap the rewards (high conversion rate) for your hard work.