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Starting a Digital Business from Scratch: 3 Overlooked Tips for Total Newbies

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If you’re an aspiring entrepreneur, you’re probably flooding with ads and messages on a day-to-day basis promising digital riches online, right?

Here’s the deal: starting a web-based business is arguably easier than ever. Those ads might be sensational, but they definitely aren’t lying to you outright.

If you want to get into the likes of marketing, content writing, web design or any other field on a freelance basis, the opportunities to make a full-time living are certainly out there.

The reality, thought? Most people either won’t take the actual steps to start their business. In addition, many aspiring entrepreneurs watch their would-be success stories sink because they tried to grow way too quickly.

For those who have their heads on straight, however, sowing the seeds of a digital business is a matter of taking the proper steps.

So, how can you make your dream business a reality? Just keep these three overlooked pointers in the back of your mind.

Make Sure You Have Money Coming In

This is perhaps the point that’s most overlooked for those who want to start a business online.

There’s a reason why the sage advice of “Don’t quit your day job” gets thrown around so much.

When you’re in feast-or-famine mode, you become desperate. Never puts all of your eggs in the basket of a business that doesn’t exist: if you want to create full-time income online, you need to have money coming in first. While building your business while holding down a full or part-time job may be daunting, doing so keeps you from sabotaging your success.

Ideally, you can hold down a part-time gig offline that’s totally separate from your online aspirations. This helps you to avoid digital burnout and ensure that you can finance your entrepreneurial aspirations. Whether it’s becoming a driver for Uber or holding a waiting gig, any additional source of income helps.

Absorb Knowledge Like a Sponge

Although your personality certainly goes a long way, you need to absorb as much technical and professional information as possible before money starts rolling in.

From following social media success stories to reading case studies and essential entrepreneurial classics, you should strive to learn as much as you can about your industry on a day-to-day basis. Doing so doesn’t have to be time-consuming, either. Bite-size blog posts and two-minute videos can be treasure troves of information that you can take in during your daily breaks.

Of course, a caveat of all of this is not to give into the marketing hype. There is so much free information out there from YouTube and the blogosphere: don’t be suckered in by e-courses and schemes that ask you to splash hundreds of dollars without a second thought.

Focus On Your Portfolio

At the end of the day, it’s all about what you’ve done rather than what you know.

Potential clients and customers want to know that you’ve walked the walk. Building up your portfolio proves that you have the experience necessary to get hired. If nothing else, a robust portfolio immediately sets you apart from competitors.

If you’re starting from scratch, building a portfolio might seem impossible. That said, creating and collecting clips doesn’t have to be rocket science. Content writers can self-publish on Medium or snag guest posting opportunities to fill up their portfolios. Meanwhile, designers can post their own work or do free spec work for clients to show off to the world.

Although doing this initial legwork for free might seem like a time-sink, it’s worthwhile for proving yourself to clients and customers.

Rather than give into get-rich-quick schemes, consider how a slow, steady approach to building your business is the most actionable. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can make it happen granted you have the patience and perseverance to see it through.