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Key Reasons Your Emails Marketing Campaigns are Failing

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Email is one of the business marketing tools that yield a high return on investment when used well. The tool can be used to share business news, product launches and new blog posts for the company. However, while email is an effective tool, ensuring the subscribers receive, open and read their emails is the biggest challenge for marketers. Some of the factors that influence the open rate for emails include, the headline, content and the timing.

If you are running email marketing campaigns and getting low open and click rates, below are some of the things that you may be doing wrong and how to fix them.

Poor Subject Lines

According to Statista, in 2017, roughly 269 billion emails were sent and received daily. The same statistics portal shows that there were 3.7 billion email users in that year. These statistics reveal that many users receive numerous emails each day. Some users will get even more than 100 emails daily. Such a recipient will barely open most of those emails. They will just scan through the subject lines, identify what looks important and promising and ignore or delete the rest.

Thus, a poor subject line is one of the emailing mistakes that you should avoid if you don’t want your email to end up in trash. Some tips to consider include keeping the headline short and clear, having the important words at the beginning, showing the reader what they will gain by opening the email, creating curiosity or urgency, and personalizing it.

Lack of Segmentation and Personalization

Subscribers love it when you call them by their names and address their specific needs and interests. Even when you don’t have the best template, personalization can boost the click through and conversion rates.

Rather than crafting one email and sending it to everyone, segment your lists and send a personalized message to each person or group. This will give you a better ROI, boost your credibility and lead to better relationships with your subscribers. You can segment your email lists based on location, demographics, email engagement, past purchases, content viewed, amount spent, and current position in the customer cycle among others.

Wrong Timing

Many marketers pay attention to the content and headlines but ignore the timing, which is a critical factor. A good headline improves the open rate and great content boosts conversion, but for all this to happen, the email has to arrive in the inbox at the right time. Put differently, all the other efforts go to waste if you don’t get it right with the timing.

While there is no specific hour that can be said to be the best time to send an email, emails sent within specific time frames have proven to yield better results. These include the emails sent on Tuesdays to Thursdays at 10:00 AM and 3:00 to 4:00 PM. The results may vary depending on the industry and nature of subscribers. The best approach is to send emails, track the engagement and identify the time when open and click rates are high.

Too Many Emails

When you send too many emails, you may come out as too pushy or desperate and this is a turn off for your subscribers. Thus, even if you are excited to have customers on board, stick to a few emails per month. Plan your campaigns in advance, with the exact days of the week or month when you will send the emails and stick to that. Also, you can give the customers the options to choose how often they would like to hear from you when they sign up. The same strategy can be used to reengage your inactive subscribers. Simply send an email requesting them to update their preferences.

Not optimizing for mobile

When crafting your email campaigns, you should do it with the mobile user in mind. Mobile screens are smaller and thus if you have not optimized for mobile, the content will not be displayed well. Optimizing for mobile basically involves choosing the right template, font and images and keeping your headlines short.

Lack of Clear Call To Actions

The other mistake that marketers make is not having clear call to actions in the email body. You have to clearly tell the reader the action they should take and show them how to do it. When writing your call to action, make it compelling, use bright colours that stand out from the rest of the email content, place it strategically and ensure that the text is legible.

Additionally, avoid having multiple call to actions on one email. This may end up confusing the reader or you may look like you are being too pushy and readers don’t like that.

By identifying and rectifying your marketing mistakes, you can improve the ROI for your email campaigns. Consider testing different titles, templates, emailing times and call to actions to find what works best for your business.