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Maximizing Content For Law Marketing

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Legal services can be a hard sell, especially for startups and small businesses keen to keep their costs down. Large organizations have lawyers or preferred providers, so law firms needing to grow face several challenges.

An industry that has been around for centuries is no stranger to obstacles. However, it adapts to the trends in technology and uses these trends to create something valuable in the long run. For this reason, law firms encourage themselves to update their business arsenals and become more attuned to the times.

Today you can find lawyers on social media, writing and sharing blog posts in their email marketing and niche influencers with their YouTube channels.

Indeed, there is no better time for attorneys to get closer to their clients than now. But to forge lasting partnerships, law firms will have to focus on educating their audiences about the law with high-quality, user-friendly content so they can promote their services.

Without a doubt, lawyers need to be more transparent and open with their customers, which effective content must address. Therefore, firms must maximize their marketing investments by optimizing how they craft and spread their messages.

The following are some of the best advice on maximizing your content strategy for generating quality legal leads.

Set your eyes on social media

If you don’t have an effective social strategy for your legal services, you can say adios to your bottom line! Social media plays a significant role in securing opportunities for law firms.

In fact, according to a blog article by One400 – Law Marketing, the field has been impacted by social media so much that 62 percent of law firms maintain online profiles, and many more are frequently posting content through platforms such as LinkedIn and Facebook.

For this reason, social media marketing is undeniably valuable to law firms because they can generate substantial leads using their social profiles and fan pages. It’s also good for SEO and search marketing, where the top results get a quarter of all clicks.

Produce your own videos

There’s no harm in saying you can get instantly famous by posting a viral video on YouTube. Whatever you post online has the potential to earn higher shareability. But this is nothing like encouraging attorneys to leverage internet trends such as the cinnamon challenge!

However, law firms can produce their own educational videos and share them across their social media networks. After all, legal terms can be pretty daunting to a potential client, so you have to use videos to explain these concepts better and encourage them to hire your services.

Make literature available online

Looking beyond your blogging platforms, you can also create digital formats of case studies and other informational material to be available online. Such materials are crucial in building your credibility.

In addition, by making these available as free downloads, you can provide potential clients with additional information to help them decide whether to contract your services. Moreover, you can also integrate these materials into your email campaign as an added bonus for subscribers to your mailing list. Still, you need to hire an excellent technical writer knowledgeable about the legal industry to make the type of content pieces that perfectly fit your firm’s objectives.

Using AI Writers For Legal Content

Your legal marketers may want to get in on the action and use AI writers for content marketing your law firm. What could go wrong? A lot could go wrong.

However, using AI writers like ChatGPT for generic content might be okay. For example, when your marketer writes a blog post for your site and use,s some AI writer content. When the topic is generic, AI, writers can prove their worth. Most users can quickly ascertain if the content is accurate or misinformation.

If law marketers choose to use AI writers for more complex topics, for example, a specific type of law like product liability law, they will need to quality their question, so it includes where the rule applies i.e., which differs per state and country.