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Everything you need to know about traceability software solutions

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Traceability software solutions can be an invaluable addition to your business, helping to manage the logistics of production, shipping and packaging with ease. Perhaps a daunting prospect to some, this article explores everything you need to know about traceability software solutions so that you can decide whether it’s right for your business.

What is traceability software?

Simply said, traceability software solutions help keep a detailed record of a business’s food, drink or product production from start to finish. If a product complies with its specification, then it’s known to be traceable.

How is traceability software used in business?

Traceability software solutions are particularly suited to the food and drink industries as they can help manage every ingredient or item used to create a final product. They allow you to keep track of incoming raw materials with ease, by simply scanning the supplier barcode or by giving you the option to print your own barcodes on demand. Any process information that you enlist during the production lifestyle can be easily recorded, and you also have the option to include the addition of raw materials, preparation and packaging.

Easy-to-use tools are on hand that enable you to record an item’s weight, quantity, batch/lot numbers, expiry dates and essential product information. Once your product has been created, traceability software systems can print industry standard labels and barcodes that will be easily distinguishable in any country across the globe. This makes global supplying a realistic prospect, and traceability software can also help you identify and trace your products by units, boxes or pallets, depending on your needs.

How does traceability software perform for a business?

When it comes to managing a business with a large turnover of food or drinks products, information is essential in its control and growth. You need your information to be as accurate and as current as possible so that you can create quick, well-informed responses to every situation. Traceability software solutions mean that you can trace all your products from their conception in your factory to their transportation to their clients once they’ve left.

How does it benefit a business?

With traceability software, you will have the power of understanding and have full transparency over your products and their transportation. In the long run, this can be essential to any business by helping to cut down on waste as well as saving money by reducing the amount of unaccounted or lost items. It can also help you decide whether your budgets, production numbers, and other key information are all the best they can be, and it can help you expand your supplies to new locations and countries. It can also be of use when product recalls are necessary, or any other key product information is required.

How can it manage products in your facility?

From tracking the raw ingredients that make your products to the final product, traceability software will ensure that you know exactly where your production process is at any time. With all of this accessible to you in one programme, you will easily see what is happening and how it can be improved round the clock.

How can traceability software solutions manage shipping and packaging?

When your finished products have left your facility and are on their way to your clients, you must know where they are on this journey. Among other information, it can help you decide on how to increase productivity for future transportation and eliminate the usual guesswork involved in your shipping. In addition, traceability software will help you build client relationships by keeping track of where their products are and keeping them informed and giving them the ease of a mobile signature on arrival rather than fussy paperwork.