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The 1% Principle. What can you do today to make your life 1% better?

Unfortunately most people think self-improvement and life planning is something only people who own Ferraris do. Sadly the vast majority of people spend far more time planning their overseas holiday or buying a second hand car, than they do planning their life and their career.

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Did you think self-improvement and life planning is just for wealthy people?

Sadly most people spend far more time planning their overseas holiday or buying a second-hand car than they do planning their life, financial security and career.

This is why less than one in twenty people invest in motivational books and programmes and action plans their life through formal goal setting. On a positive note, you are probably one of these people as you are now reading this!

The One Percent Principle© focuses on making the transition to a ‘better life’ a lot easier. Taking lots of ‘mini-steps over a short to medium period, you can quickly transform what you achieve and how you want to live.

The entire philosophy is straight forward:

What can you do today to make your life 1% better?

Of course, if you repeat these steps 100 times over 100 days, the results can be extraordinary! Aristotle wrote three centuries before Christ, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.”

If we actively look to just ‘tweak’ our lives by 1% a day (for example, making that important phone call we have been putting off, clearing a corner of that out of control ‘spare room’ or not eating that chocolate bar and going for a walk instead), we can quickly make great progress today, towards who we want to be tomorrow!

International speaker, trainer and author Doug Firebaugh are quoted as saying, “Every day do something that will inch you closer to a better tomorrow.” That’s it! – Nice and simple. “What can you do today to make your life 1% better?”

I encourage you to make a commitment to finding half an hour a day (watch half an hour less TV, get up earlier or go to bed later), and spend the time working on the ‘One Percent Principle©’ – changing your life by one percent, today, tomorrow and forever…