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Two seriously BRILLIANT ways to get your first client

I have already mentioned these two brilliant ideas on how to secure your first client(s) in my post “How do I leave my day job? The Pre-flight Checklist” but I thought they should also be within their own post for people who have already left their day job but needed some ideas for attracting clients.

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I have already mentioned these two brilliant ideas on how to secure your first client(s) in my post “How do I leave my day job? The Pre-flight Checklist” but I thought they should also be within their own post for people who have already left their day job but needed some ideas for attracting clients.

Securing your first few clients is one of the toughest things you will have to endure when starting your business so the two ideas below are not only smart, cost effective and low risk but also tests to see if your idea can generate interest.

The ideas come straight out of James Altucher’s website – a site I recommend you follow if you are a small business owner.

Table of Contents

Idea 1

Securing a client before you leave your day job provides you with the most critical thing you need in business – cash flow. You won’t get the money first (unless you ask for it) but at least there is more security that starting from zero and you have your first client!

Idea 2

Another excellent piece of advice James hands out is look at the company you are currently working for – do they lack anything that is stopping them from making more money or reducing costs? If so, could you provide it to them? Is there a wider need for this ‘pain’ that you could also sell to their competitors and sub markets?