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9 Tips for Developing a Great Small Business by David Staughton

Have 1 captain. Decide who’s really in charge because shared responsibility is no responsibility.

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1. Have just one captain

Decide who’s really in charge because shared responsibility is no responsibility.

2. Create and communicate more organizsational clarity

Be really clear about the roles and responsibilities within your company and articulate your vision.

3. Focus

Its really important to focus on your companies direction, with special attention given to the financial side of the business.

4. Plan! (6 P’s)

Prior preparation prevents a pretty poor performance.

5. Develop more systems

‘Systemize the routine; humanize the exception’ – FedEx.

6. Practice

Make sure you offer cutting-edge customer service.

7. Think

Spend more time thinking about various ways to be different, innovative, creative and exclusive.

8. Don’t pretend or delay

Learn to take action right now!

9. Go the extra mile

Build great rapport and long term relationships by doing that little bit extra.

Sourced from the book “Secrets of Small Business Owners Exposed”